Our Mission
Salt Fork North Elementary School exists to ensure excellence in learning for all student.
At Salt Fork North, we truly believe that all students are capable of learning at high levels. However, we recognize that we have a diverse population of students and not all students learn at the same rate or in the same way. As a staff, we feel like we must:
- Create a safe and welcoming learning environment.
- Set high expectations for both student achievement and behavior
- Provide students with appropriate levels of support based on their needs.
- Instill confidence in students so they believe in themselves.
- Utilize our parents and community resources.
Our mission statement helps us answer the question "Why do we exist?" We then utilize this answer to set priorities, allocate resources, and make important decisions. Additionally, we truly understand that this goal is too big for any single staff member or adult in the building. Our approach to our mission must be collaborative. We can best meet our goal by working collectively with all stakeholders. Together we can help ensure excellence in learning for ALL students!